Saturday, May 5, 2018

Elder Donovan

So this last week were changes and my companion had changes. And my new companion is Elder De Los Santos!! He was my comp from the end of July till October! So yeah, that's pretty awesome! Him and Elder Lunt have been my favorite companions so it's awesome to be with both of them for 3 changes each.

Well, I'm sorry I didn't really write anything last week, its because we had a big group of people outside to play soccer. The dumb thing is that because I was the only white guy on a team of latinos, is that they through me back as goal keeper. They just called me "Donnavan" (the best American soccer player in history) they only said that because I'm white though, not because I'm good or anything. But it was still fun. But yeah general conference was way dope. Something that I liked that they are changing is the home teaching into ministering. I feel like too many times we do things just because people obligate us or because we dont want other people to think or say bad things about us. But this whole idea of misitering changes that. It will make us truly love and care for the people instead of serving for obligation. If we serve so that man sees us or rewards us, our service is pointless. For that reason the love that we have towards the people we serve is greatly important.

So do it newbs.

In other news we had the baptism of Antonio Ramos. Some members brought him to church a month ago, and since then we started teaching him. He's a pretty cool guy. He´s kindof special, but he understands well, loves to read and learn more, and loves to continually progress more. hoping to see some more fruits in these last few weeks! Love you all and I guess I'll be seeing you soon!

Behave children

Elder Vaughan

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